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The demand for yoga mats never stops

The demand for yoga mats never stops

Apr 15,2022
As yoga continues to grow into a multi-billion dollar industry, and the number of new yoga-related products that are essential to a healthy and fulfilling practice never stops increasing, it's no wonder that some of the most common questions from yoga beginners revolve around accessories. With hundreds of cushion brands to choose from, many people get overwhelmed when they try to choose one, and things only get more complicated when they start thinking about props, accessories, and even clothing (which I'll cover in another article). ) at times, the wide variety of products available can even be offensive and intimidating. In this blog post, Part 1 of my "Yoga Accessories: Explained" series, I want to explore the decision-making process when choosing a yoga mat,

What do I actually need to start a yoga practice? How much should I invest?
This is a question I've received countless times, and the answer has never changed: All you need is your body and the intention to start practicing and stick with it. If you already have this, a mat might also help.

While I know this answer may seem too simplistic and may not be what some people expect to hear, I believe it's true. You don't really need anything to practice yoga: no special clothes, no special accessories, no huge investment. All you need is your body, breath and mind and all is well.

It's important to remember that the ubiquitous yoga mat is a recent invention dating back to the late 1960s. Before this, yogis in India would use woven cotton rugs, and even before that, they would sit on animal skins or grass. That said, while you'll find using a mat to practice asanas very helpful, you're definitely not going to be able to enjoy yoga without investing more than you can afford.

Yoga Mats: What You Need to Know
What a yoga mat does in your practice is to provide a stable surface that combines cushioning properties (protecting the joints) with enough grip and traction so you don't slip and fall everywhere. You may find that depending on the type of yoga you practice, the qualities you look for in a mat may vary slightly, but generally this is what I look for in a yoga mat:

Density: Density refers to a cushion that is soft but not overly soft. If you need a lot of cushioning for your joints in a sitting or kneeling position, a soft pad that sinks when you pedal or put your hands on it may be comfortable, but won't support your balance in a standing position. In fact, it can make balancing very tricky, especially in single-leg poses.

Grip: When you're trying to maintain your position, nothing distracts you more than a mat. Not only is this a distraction; the lack of grip can negatively impact your alignment as you find your body trying to compensate for slipping by changing shape. When buying a mat in person, I recommend trying to check the grip with a few face-down dogs on the mat. However, in a world where buying a yoga mat is often something we do online, sometimes we just have to take a word from a friend (or review). Do your research and find the best mat for you!

Traction: Same as above, but this refers to the pad sliding on the floor. This happened to me using a lightweight cushion on a smooth surface. Because of this, I prefer pads with rubber bottoms that stick to the floor, or thick pads. I really don't mind carrying a heavy pad with me if I find it reliable enough to not move around when I jump back and forth during the sun salutation.

Secondpagesport good cushions feel like home when you step on them

My favorite mats are the Suede yoga mat and the Cork yoga mat.







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